Oracle AS Adapter for Peoplesoft: IWAY Error Resolution

ERROR com.ibi.bse.ConfigWorker:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/api/exception/PCResourceException


It appears that Oracle took the IWay Servlet and built a Java Swing application around it that allows you to create a Web service (BSE) or J2CA based connection to the Enterprise Applications (SEIBEL, JDE, Peoplesoft).

This Swing application is launched in a Unix/Linux shell using the script and in Windows using the ae.bat batch file and uses the libraries at the install folder’s lib sub-folder.

After deploying the “iwafjca” RAR and WAR and the “ibse” WAR that came with the installation to my Weblogic server (SOA Domain), I tried to connect to the Servlets, create a BSE or J2CA config and then  connect to an Enterprise Application … however the “Adapter” Node in the Swing tree would not expand and after setting the Option -> Debug on in the swing app, I was able to see in the logs that I had some exceptions due to missing libraries.

I found that the SOA Adapter Libraries for 11g in the SOA Home / modules path need to be copied as show below. Hope this helps!

Copy Missing Libraries from 



IWay Install Path

Example: ${middleware.home}/Oracle_SOA1/soa/thirdparty/ApplicationAdapters/lib




  1. Shaheer says:

    Works for me. Thank you so much


  2. Yanis Japal says:

    Thanks helped a lot.


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